Check back here often for the latest news and updates from around the neighborhood.
Here at Shadow Wood we have an active board, which is here to provide you with answers to your questions, and make sure our community stays safe and fun.
You can find contact information for the HOA board members on the Contact Info page.
- Our monthly HOA meetings are held the second Thursday of each month starting at 7:00pm. (Meetings are currently being held virtually due to Covid-19)
- We have our own playground located off Imperial Street, and a Pool located on York St. and 203rd.
- Pool opens for summer Memorial Weekend (May), and closes in fall. (Currently restricted due to Covid-19)
- Annual Shadow Wood HOA meeting is held in June. At this time we also collect ballots for the elections of our board members.
- Annual dues are due June 1st and most residents pay at the annual scheduled pool party to receive pool codes.
- Shadow Wood also provides one yard debris pick up once a year in the Fall. Dates are given as time approaches. You can look for these dates in the Newsletter.
- We are always looking for ways to better our community and neighborhood, so ideas are always welcomed. If you are interested in joining our board, or attending our meetings, we encourage you to do so.
- We also have doggie waste stations located throughout the neighborhood.